About the Toolkit
“Tackling the prescription drug and over-the-counter cough medicine misuse epidemic will require a multi-faceted approach involving various strategies and participation from different sectors to result in population-level prevention and reduction of this problem.” – General Barrye L. Price, President and CEO of CADCA.
CADCA’s Online PreventMedAbuse Toolkit contains facts, strategies, and tools to prevent and reduce teen Rx and over-the-counter (OTC) medicine abuse in your community. This toolkit is based on CADCA’s Seven Strategies for Effective Community Change. Incorporating these strategies will help you formulate, modify and implement your prevention and intervention strategies. Additional resources are available through our partner, Consumer Healthcare Products Association and their Stop Medicine Abuse campaign.
How to Use the Toolkit
Resources are simple clicks away.
- Prevention Strategies: See the Seven Strategies for Effective Community Change in action.
- Rx Drug Abuse At-a-Glance: Review the latest facts on this drug abuse challenge. Discover how to conduct an Rx abuse community assessment. Check out the Sample Logic Model. See how this information gets translated into Sample Intervention Maps.
- Other Resources: Learn about information and tools that can make your programs and interventions successful, including share tools that you can place on your website, Facebook or e-mail signature blocks.
- Success Stories: View Rx prevention at work. Check out the video presentations from CADCA coalitions nationwide that are experiencing Rx medication prevention success.
- Visit the Stop Medicine Abuse website to learn more OTC medicine abuse and how to prevent it.
CADCA would like to thank Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Inc. for providing a grant to support the development of this toolkit.